Cardio Tennis Class & Event Registration Fee: $25 Name Elevated Empower your club to do great things. Registration Thursday June 13 10:30 am Coach : Tom Kern Book

Create engaging classes

Build a thriving club by offering members a diverse range of classes & events tailored to their needs. Our intuitive platform makes it effortless for administrators to create classes of all types; tennis, fitness, pickleball, aquatics, junior clinics and more. Once the initial class is created, simply copy the class & change the date to make another.

Forget about complex scheduling and manual management, focus on crafting engaging programs & we’ll handle the adminstrative burden.


Automatic Waitlists

Once the class is full, members may join the waitlist. The waitlist is automatically triggered if people cancel their registration


Multiple reminders can be set. By Default reminders are set to 24 hours before the class


Target “less engaged” members if you want to keep everyone involved in the club

Bulk Billing

All registrations are in 1 csv file, export this to your accounting system and all member accounts are instantly billed.

Tennis Aquatics Social Events Tournaments Gymnastics Music As many categories as you can create Scuba Diving Fitness Squash Bowling Climbing Dance Music Chess club Pickleball Badminton Skating Kids Events Bridge Golf Sailing

Wait Lists attach_money You can set a one time fee, or monthly recurring fee's. All transactions are consolidated into 1 report for bulk export to your accounting system. Book the court When you create a class you also have the option to book the court or facility at the same time. Members can register from the class list or from the court. Multiple Fees Once the class is full, you members may automatically join the waitlist. If space beceomes available, they are automatically moved into the class and sent email. Class sizes not_interested Set minimums and maximums for class size ensuring the numbers you need are accurate Restrictions Registration restrictions can be setup, by member type, age, gender, usta skill level, etc. Attendance Print classes lists, or check-in members directly from your phone. All check-ins are registered in the Attendance report. Online meetings You may set classes to have multiple registration opening dates. For instances, Seniors may register first, on another date, the other members types. USTA Ratings USTA tennis ratings are pre-built into GameTime, all you need to do is apply a rating to any member you want. Noting, members may not select their own rating. Multi Reg Dates If your class has an online meeting with it, you can enter the online meeting link, zoom or other, and partcipants will receive this link in the email confirmation. Questions Apply any question you need to any class. For example, what t-shirt size will you need? All answers are stored with the registration. Class Marketing group Any class can be added to the marketing emails that are sent. For instance, if you have an annual bbq, this event can be sent in every email that goes out to members. eg Register now for this event. star_rate Team Registrations Create team registrations, useful or doubles tennis tournaments, soccer teams, hockey teams, etc. When each person registers they register there partner or team members. Public Registration person_pin You can view classes & events using, list view, day view, week view of month. 13 Reports For the most detailed overview of everything that is going in this module, 13 reports are available to provide every detail. person_add 4 Views Options for public registration are available if you want to open classes to the public for registration, you may also accept online payments for public registrations. Global cancel dates email For holidays and other dates, you can set a specific date that that all classes will be cancelled on. Group emailing You can send email to anyone in a particular class or by entire section. Eg, to the entire group of tennis registrations to inform about particular things. 10,000 users GameTime can provide server power for over 10,000 simultaneous users. Ensuring performance for the largest clubs.

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