Fully Customized Court Booking Rules
The most complex booking rules all set in GameTime. One of the most signifiacnt reasons clubs select GameTime. We can do rules beyond any other company.
Unusual schedule – no problem.
For clubs with complex court schedules, GameTime can set anytime for any court.
Whether it’s gaps for clay court watering or gaps for covid19 anti-density measures, GameTime can setup any scheduling times you need.

Super easy mobile court booking. Members may reserve courts in seconds with our mobile version.

How do you fit many sports across a tiny screen with some sports containing 30 courts. Try the mobile version to test it out.
Administrators can check the booking history of any court and any member. No lost, missing or unexplained bookings.
Administrators can block book for tournaments, Leagues and events. Book hundreds or thousands of courts in seconds.

Members can join the waitlist. If a court is cancelled the first person on the waitlist will receive the court and an email notification.
Ball machines can be setup on all courts or specific courts, you can charge fee’s if needed.
Mount an LCD dislay to the wall, and display all of your court bookings.
Wall Mounted
Court Bookings
GAMETIME - The Business of Court Booking
Let’s take a quick look at how things actually work at most clubs… Some clubs have a few courts, and some have many; and at all clubs everyone wants to play and the club does not want courts to go unused. So, here’s what GameTime can do to help deliver maximum potential for your club.
Once the schedule and rules are setup, the booking begins. If courts fill up, as they often do, members may join the Wait-list. If a court is cancelled the first person or group on the waitlist gets the spot that was cancelled. Email confirmations are sent to all players and now the courts are at full capacity once again.
As the court time approaches, email reminders are sent to all players, ensuring that no member forgets about a court or any other appointment. Further ensuring the courts remain at full capacity.
In addition rules and fee’s can be setup to deter “no-shows” and “late cancellations”. Once again, ensuring your courts are at their maximum capacity.
Now the courts are full, members are happy, staff are busy, drinks are ordered and new racquets are purchased and then we start booking again.
That’s the business of GameTime.